IONIA welcomes Matilda
IONIA would like to welcome Matilda who will be picking up where Van left off on vocals. We wish Van all the best on his adventures and...

Dr Phibes Clockwork Wizards return
Dr Phibes Clockwork Wizards return for another night of blues. This time we are heading to the Xago Bar in Lane Cove where we will be...

Diary of a gig day
This is something from the archives DIARY OF A GIG DAY - Thursday August 9 - 2012 4am - Wake up ridiculously early after about 4 hours...
IONIA at The Django Bar - Video
Here is a little edit of some tracks from the recent IONIA show at The Django Bar at The Camelot Lounge in Marrickville Sydney. Please...

Dr Phibes Clockwork Wizards rock The Town & Country once again with special guests
Dr Phibes Clockwork Wizards once again rocked the Town and Country Hotel. We had a couple of special guests join us, James on Guitar and...

Secret Scientist business takes Wendy away
IONIA regret that Wendy has been called away on secret scientist business in Paris and wont be able to perform with the band on the 19th...

Dr. Phibes Clockwork Wizards return
As you know I have been exploring my blues chops on the double bass with the amazingly talented gentlemen from 'Dr Phibes Clockwork...

MIGRATORIUM at The 2015 National Multicultural Festival - Canberra
Migratorium were a highlight of the National Multicultural Festival of Canberra playing 2 great shows over the weekend.