Valerios Calocerinos

Migratorium deals with the effect of migration on people today, an issue that concerns not only Australia and Greece, but effectively the whole world. It embraces the fusion of diverse musical talents from Greece and Australia, exploring migration as a human expression of the need for mobilization, characteristic of the human condition in the face of change. The show consists of an original and recorded contemporary repertoire and features a band of accomplished musicians under Van Louis’ musical and artistic direction.
The participation of the Aboriginal didgeridoo soloist Glen Doyle and the acclaimed coloratura soprano Helen Zerefos OAM, add special lustre and quality to the performance. The overall theme is based on playwright’s Sophia Ralli - Catharios migration epic poetry “2000 minus 2”, targeting the recent migration of Greeks to Australia, a direct result of the European economic crisis. For more on Migratorium visit the official website here
NEWS - Migratorium play 2 shows at The 2015 National Multicultural Festival - See more here