Valerios Calocerinos

Debut Album
'Relax, this won't hurt … for long'
Available now on iTunes
Alien post punk
Relax, this wont hurt ..... for long
SND Official website -
Hello Humans, We are back. Hmm this internet you have devised looks like it may be an apt means to convey our important story to you.
It has taken us almost 500 years to find some humans we can trust and the very nice humans at Left As In Sinister seemed to understand our plight (and our music!). They have been kind enough to let us use a piece of their cyber space so we can reach out to you.
We have created much of what you humans call 'art'. Although we do not understand this concept of yours called "money" you can use some of it to obtain some of our delightful 'art' like our very nice recorded album "Relax, this won't hurt...for long". You will find ways to purchase it here.
Humans, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, about anything at all and we will publish them here, maybe. Or we may just come to you in the middle of the night with a size 4 probe to the back of the head. Mwahahahahah